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Save Big With Bulk Discounts
Eine wiederverwendbare Lötmasse aus Deutschland zum Zusammenhalten kleiner Teile beim Löten. Wirkt wie ein Hitzeschild und isoliert hitzeempfindliche Oberflächen vor den Auswirkungen der Lötflamme. In Schichten von 5 mm bis 10 mm Dicke verwenden. Graphitfrei, nicht rauchend, asbestfrei, wasserlöslich.
Heard about this type of soldering clay but not until I tried it did I see what all the buzz was about! It is great and I have finally soldered the tiniest tipsy pieces together :)
This is amazing. Holds things that a third hand just can't do. I solder a lot of bands to wobbly surfaces, and this keeps it from rocking so I can get a perfect solder. Perfect for holding prongs in place, or creates a nice bed to prevent slumping. It can be reconstituted by adding water. What a great product!!! Worth every penny!