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The Badeco RS2000 is the standard micromotor used in the Badeco MX-1, Badeco MX-4 Evolution and the Badeco MX-4 Touch Evolution. It is the engine that powers the remarkable Badeco handpieces. Carbon covered and lightweight, this motor produces from 2000 to 20,000 rpm of torque at all speeds. Not for use with any other brand of control boxes. Includes a 30" long when not stretched flexible cord. Connects to the Badeco M4-ASF, MX-1, MX-4 Evolution and MX-4 Touch Evolution control boxes. Powers the Badeco 465 3/32" quick change handpiece, the 4LC100 & 4LC050 polishing/finishing handpieces, 315C, 318SP hammer handpiece, the 388 changeable collet and 380 adjustable chuck handpieces as well as the no longer in production 450 3/32" quick change handpiece.
Badeco also makes a smaller micromotor, the RS3000, which powers the Badeco mini handpieces 460HP 3/32" quick change and the 5LC100 polishing/finishing handpiece.