The Fretz Set 103 is used for making flat, concave and convex cuff and bangle bracelets.
The reach of the H-1L Holder is longer than the original H-1 Holder so the projects made with the M-100 Series Mushroom Stakes will not touch the workbench while being worked on.
Now includes 2 FREE Fretz Instructional DVD's
This set includes:
112.719 H-1L Long Holder with Hardware
112.734 M-104 Large Concave Stake/57 mm Long
112.735 M-105 Medium Concave Stake/46 mm Long
112.736 M-106 Small Concave Stake/32mm Long
112.737 M-107 Extra Small Concave Stake/52mm Long
112.752 M-122 Shallow Concave Stake
112.753 M-123 Minimal Concave Stake
112.741 M-111 40 mm Convex Cuff Stakes/36 mm Long
112.742 M-112 30 mm Convex Cuff Stake/36mm Long
112.743 M-113 20 mm Convex Cuff Stake/36mm Long
112.744 M-114 10 mm Convex Cuff Stake/36mm Long
112.747 M-117 Flat Cuff Stake/52mm Long
112.748 M-118 Baby Flat Cuff Stake/52mm Long
112.636 S-3 Wooden Stake Rack 8-3/4" x 5"
163.121 Fretz Productions DVD's - Convex
163.122 Fretz Productions DVD's - Concave
The H-1L is a good choice for jewelers where the extra reach of the T-101 is not needed.
M-104 thru M-107 and M-122 and M-123 Mushroom Stakes are useful for forming concave shapes with diameters of two inches and up. These stakes are for sinking round sheet metal tubes and flat sheet.
The M-111 thru M-114 Mushroom Stakes are useful for forming various convex shapes with round diameters of two inches and up. The raising process of compressing the edge of a cylinder is their main function though they are very useful for doming various shapes as well.
The M-117 and M-118 Flat Cuff Mushroom Stakes are used to form and texture round flat bracelets.They also can be used to form concave cylinder shapes while tilting and rotating the shapes as they are being hammered.