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"Essential for jewelry making, this hammer combines two faces, which are used in different operations. The chasing face is used to strike tools only, not jewelry. Use it for center punches, chasing punches, etc. The surface is not maintained and will show marks and dings, which is fine because this tool is not used on jewelry metals themselves. The riveting face is a small cross peen. It is ideal for upsetting, or spreading the ends of rivets when cold-joining metals. The hammer needs no maintenance."
The new Revere Chasing Hammer is a collection of details, starting off with what makes it a chasing hammer, the classic round chasing head. The Revere head is flat, not domed, as a domed head may allow for a strike to slide off from its intended target. The size of the head is 25mm, or approximately 1" in diameter. While some chasing hammers have smaller diameters and others have larger diameters, the Revere hammer head size is more about the correct weight and proportion for the chosen thinner handle. The thinner pistol shape handle gives the hammers a very nice balance in the hand. Thinner handles are not favored by hammer makers these days because they are easier to break, but if used properly, for the type of work that Alan Revere recommends for this hammer, the handle shape is a benefit and not an issue.
One big difference in the Revere Chasing Hammer vs. other hammers in general is the texture used for the handles. Mr. Revere prefers many of his tools to have textured handles for more sensitivity in the hands. A good example is the Revere Pliers, which have a distinctive texturing. A great deal of time was spent in getting this texture just right to Alan's specifications. Unlike the smooth polished handles of other Fretz hammers, the Revere handles are worked to have a distinctive, deep texture.
The Revere Chasing Hammer has a riveting style cross peen head, which besides being used for riveting can also be used for texturing and some light duty raising. Mr. Revere finds this type of head much more useful than the traditional ball peen. The Revere Chasing Hammer has a standard machine finish on the round chasing end, as opposed to a hand polished shiny surface. The standard finish chosen by Mr. Revere is a nod to practicality, as the high polish found on chasing hammers faces will change during the first use, and the chasing end is for striking tools, not jewelry.