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Save Big With Bulk Discounts
Upper & Lower Wire Rollers-Matched Pair fits all Otto Frei Economy Rolling Mills: 128.200, 128.200FLAT, 128.199 & Many More!
This is one matched pair of wire rollers that will fit all of our economy rolling mills. Each pair is carefully matched by the factory for alignment. Only sold as a matched pair. Both rolls are 76mm wide and 43mm in diameter, a common size for many rolling mills made in India, so even if you didn't buy your economy rolling mill from Otto Frei, these rolls should fit if your the rolling mill you have has rolls that are the same width and diameter stated above and appear to have the same shaft lengths and diameters.
*The wire shape is for reducing the diameter of wire, and not for producing a perfectly square or round product. The wire may appear to be square shaped, but is actually 6 sided. To form perfectly shaped round, square or any form wire, you need to use a drawplate.