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Replacement Quatro F074-R2 HEPA Filter for CollectAll, Solder Pure, Single Sided Polishing Units and Earlier Version Stand Up Dust Collectors
This HEPA filter is used on a variety of Quatro Dust Collectors. It is used as a 1st stage filter on the CollectAll and the Solder Pure and used as the 3rd stage in the Quatro Single Sided Polishing Unit and eariler model Quatro Stand Up Dust Collectors (serial numbers 18063 & lower). Current model Stand Up Dust Collectors (serial numbers 18064 and above) use HEPA filter F022 (147.626C). The outer edge of one side of the F074 HEPA filter is lined with a small amount of foam. The filter measures 15" wide by 12" long by 1-7/8" thick (foam will compress, so measurement given is when new).