Save Big With Bulk Discounts
Save Big With Bulk Discounts
Tips #3, 4, 5, & 6 will work with Propane/Oxygen, Butane/Oxygen, Natural Gas/Oxygen, Hydrogen/Oxygen, or Acetylene/Oxygen. Super Small Tip #2 only works for Hydrogen/Oxygen or Acetylene/Oxygen.
This kit includes the smith little torch, 5 tips and 8 feet of hose. We offer this kit with standard USA 9/16" B connections or for use in Australia with 5/8" connections.
The Smith Little Torch maneuvers easily in areas impossible to reach with larger torches. Produces a perfectly controlled, stable flame hot enough to melt metals, glass and ceramics with thread thin flames up to 6300o F (3482oC). Color coded oxygen and fuel gas lines and valves help prevent errors. Uses hydrogen, acetylene, propane and proplylene based fuels. Welds an unlimited range of materials, brazes and solders the finest elements with ease. The fuel efficient versatile Little Torch is the lightest weight professional jewelers torch in the industry. Ideal for long hours of tedious minute soldering tasks, then in seconds switch tips part # 114.030 and cast a 3 ounce ingot of gold. Made in the USA.
Little Torch Maximum Fuel Temperatures:
Connection Information:
USA: B Connections: Kit 23-1001D 114.004
Australia: Kit 23-1013A 114.004AUS
Love, love, love my Smith Little torch with oxygen/acetylene. It’s easy to use for us ladies as the torch handle is smaller. If you’ve used an industrial oxy/acetylene torch you will find this one requires a very gentle touch. The adjustments are minute changes to get the neutral flame you need. Turning the torch knobs too far will result in issues keeping it lit, small torch, small adjustments. When starting out, I found the #4 tip to be the best. This little guy puts out the heat and air, if you’re blowing your solder around either tone down the oxygen or go to a smaller tip. If the torch is hissing, you’ve got too much oxygen coming out. When working correctly it’s almost silent, no soothing or smoking. It’s a dream to use. Beware, the cheaper ones out there are bad knockoffs and not even safe to use. If you used a knockoff, trash it and purchase the real thing and you will fall in love.