This is one of the best economical torches that you could buy if you’re on a budget. It comes with three different tips. These tips have a small, medium, large. I use my small tip for all my soldering jobs…You can control the flame and you can actually control how much oxygen with the adjustable nozzle that is on the torch. This allows you to reduce your flame to a low heat or a higher heat. I’ve never used the medium tip, but the large tip is fabulous for melting your silver quickly in an ingot or a seasoned crucible. You can also season your own crucibles with the large tip. I truly believe this is a better way to solder your jewelry than trying to use crème brûlée torches, or I can’t remember the other names sorry… but this is a great torch and an affordable price and it’ll help you to not melt your silver because you can control the flame in the heat… I hope this makes since. But I do recommend you investing in a torch that does require gas tank and oxygen tank, when you can afford one. Until then you will be very happy with this orca torch.. If you have restrictions using gas tanks in your home or studio, I recommend that you get the attachment for the small propane tank and not the one that you actually use for your barbecuing. if you don’t have any restrictions, then I suggest you get the big larger attachment and you save money on propane with the larger tank… I really hope this helps you out when deciding if you would like to buy this or torch!